Classes and Objects


Part 1

Complete all 10 tutorial pages from
The Textbook on Vis C# Classes and Methods

*Show teacher completed
Exercise 0 at after lesson 7.
*Show teacher completed tutorial after lesson 10
10 marks to lesson 7
5 more to lesson 10
Part 2 Comment the Soda Fountain Class Tutorial Hand in Completed Comment Version 10 marks
Part 3

New Car Order Form.
Well it's 5 years from now and you have just got your first programming job with (EcoModular)the brand new ecological car company. Create an electronic order form where you can select from various cars and options. (See Below for Criteria


*Show teacher sketch of user interface


The EcoModular Car Company lets user create their cars from various modular components.
They have
3 body styles (EcoMidget, EcoVan, EcoSport)
4 engines types (You can make them up :-)
4 different wheel sizes. (14", 15",17" 20")
4 differerent colours

and 8 optional accessories that cost various amounts of money.
(air conditioning, cruise control, leather seats, ejection seats :-) etc.....

Create an order form where a person can create an order form for a car that they might consider ordering.
The user should be able to add and delete objects at will to create the car of their dreams with any number of accessories.

Add the ability to configure a 2nd car at the same time so the user can compare them.

As always the program will be evaluated on the 4-8-4 (aesthetics-programming sophistication-commenting scale). This one will have double value.